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Emergency Intervention 4 Our Homeless Veterans Of America (EI4OHVOA) is an active 501(c)(3) NonProfit Organization that is based in the City of Los Angeles, California. We have expanded our services to include all Americans in need, rather than just the Veteran Community, which is whom we have previously served. The severity of the pandemic of Covid-19, and the different variants still emerging, has allowed us to expand our services to the community as a whole. In our expansion, EI4OHVOA has collaborated with DeWitty Houses (nonprofit shelters), Lead The Way LLC ( employs and houses the disabled community), and In-Between-the-Buildings LLC (community resources and beds), in order to integrate the youth of our communities who are far more intelligent than what we as a community have given them credit for.
The Chronic Homeless Crisis is comprised of many different elements and additions with no age discrimination. We do ourselves a disservice when we allow local leaders, who are in control of the funding, to attempt to separate the youth from the adults when we all create one community, in pain and oppression for centuries. Due to the distractions, our Program Administration has implemented a Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid Responding Team, to better engage non-judgmentally, crisis and non crisis situations. We encourage all organizations to engage more with one another in order to achieve the overall objective which is acquiring Community Wellness & Resources Centers, that will allow the organizations and volunteers a safe and adequate place, to care and educate the community.
Impoverished communities are in dire need of 24-hour Resource & Wellness Centers, and not Third Party Administrators who gets 15% of the funding to find, and fund another party. It is only then that the smaller and relatively newer organization get considered. That process is not fair to the community based organizations due to the funds being disbursed in a consistent pattern with the same organizations getting funded. History clearly demonstrates that the process is inadequate and an insult to the community and those in suffering. We have seen millions of dollars being disbursed in the name of the homeless community, yet the homeless conditions worsens, and the homeless crisis increased by 16%, and continues rising. In many instances, "It is the Delivery of the Messenger that fails the Mission."
Our Mission is the Comfort and Wellness of the Community,
We ask that you Join Us !
Ph:(562) 298-8974
Tel: (562) 298-8974